Issues with compounding

When so many people talk about compounding in mutual funds and how easy to earn 1 crore,10crore ,100 crores easily over years, My question is why many have not achieved it so easily? Some of the answers I could think of 1) Lack of discipline: From time to time, we switch mutual funds to some other purpose. It could be purchase of an asset, consumption or try to do a small business or direct investing. Sometimes we assume market will be definitely overvalued only to realize later that it was not. 2) Withdrawal due to Fear factor : What if market plunges 30 pc. What if there is a war between Taiwan and China getting escalated to China US war. What if many lose jobs in a pandemic like COVID. We take out at least some of the funds. What if X,Y,Z party forms the Central Govt. What if US will have 2008 type recession in 2026? 3) Not having enough liquidity: Liquidity will look like a burden, but its like fire safety equipment. When Buffett can hold a huge fund waiting for correct opportunities, we can also hold liquid funds or some gold as part of portfolio 4) Withdrawal due to emergency: It's a direct result of (3). It's easy to withdraw mutual fund, rather than EPF. We choose easy but not wise option during a downturn. 5) Not having sustainable SIP amount: During good period we invest everything in mutual fund and in downturn we withdraw 6) Things compounding against us: Even though 14 pc or 12 pc long term looks attractive, inflation also compounds against us. Different Inflation affects different groups differently. Some may travel more; some may consume more medical services. So, net-net only investment return-inflation is compounding for you. So, to make us wealthy we need to have a longer compounding period. Wait. But our remaining lifetime, health are depreciating against get the problem...right? To allow money to compound, or to enjoy when we can do...that's a big question.


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